After three years of hard use, and sometimes hours of daily service at home and at work (overnight security), you finally gave up the ghost.

I’ve read a decent amount of hate for wowtac and zoom throwers over the years but I don’t really care. I like what I like, and I like the A3S. I’ve had three, and with the exception of a really hard drop on one, the others have just straight up worn out after two to three years of the abuse I put them through. Usually the button. This time it was the diffuser thing or whatever it’s called. I’m sad that they stopped selling them, and I have an alert set up on ebay in case one happens to pop up but I fear this may be my last one.

That makes me a sad pigeon. :*(

Thanks for listening to my pointless ramblings. Carry on.

Edit: if anyone does know where to find one, or has one they’d be willing to part with, drop me a comment or pm. Thanks everyone, happy flashing!….wait wrong sub

by drift_pigeon


  1. boiturotot

    If the top bezel can be unscrewed, you can probably just put it back in center.

  2. lightsideftw

    sorry for your loss 🙁

    I don’t know where on earth you are but I found a Wowtac a3s in CoolWhite still available from Liteshop australia website and their eBay store.

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