I’m trying to take apart this flashlight but the bezel seems to be glued?..any help how to twist it off is appreciated. I tried using a silicone mat for grip, a blower dryer, and rubbing alcohol. Nothing has been successful …
Thanks in advance

by BeepBlur


  1. boiturotot

    Whered you get it from? Is that the free light from buying batteries?

  2. Cyberchaotic

    heyyyy it’s the ubiquitous battery shipping container!

  3. Dangerous_Mammal

    The glue on flashlights is extremely strong and I’ve only been able to use heat and some tools that allow to apply divergent force to rotate the body and head in opposite directions. Even, then it was a bugger to open. If your light is broken and you recently bought it- I would contact the seller for replacment if you can.

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