Back row: Convoy S6 W1 Green, S6 SFT-40 3000K, S6 W1 6000K all with knockoff thyrm switchbacks.

Front row, V1 TS10 Green Aux 5800K, V2 CuTiTS10 4000K, and a V2 TiTS10 4000K

The Convoy S6 with 18350 tubes have become some of my favorite lights to edc. Especially with the Osram emitters. Having such a compact thrower is super fun. Handing one to people who know nothing about lights and watching their faces light up (pun intended) when a giant green lightsaber beam comes out is great.

For more practical edc I typically grab a TS10 or my S2+ with a shorty tube and a 3000K 519a in it.

by sickbodysickhead