Potentially dangerous weather here in the Midwest today, especially here in Oklahoma. Hunkering down and decided to display my usual suspects for this type of environment.

Radio: BAOFENG 5RM handheld airband. Gets in most frequencies (121.5mhz distress and NOAA weather local frequencies). Great for when the power and internet goes out.

Watch: Breitling Emergency – Just a great watch that can save your life. It broadcasts on the 121.5mhz distress frequency if you’re in a life or death emergency. No less than 20 people have been saved by this watch.

Knife: Benchmade AFO II. Just a great knife I’ve posted before. Got it on my first deployment to Iraq and I’ve used it almost every day since.

Wallet: Portland Learher card holder. Just works, though it doesn’t have RFID blocking so I’m looking into Ridge and whatnot.

AirPod Pros: They just work and refuse to break.

iPhone 13 Pro Max: Still has great battery life and I’ve yet to see a reason to upgrade it yet.

Stay safe everyone.

by Celica88

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