This knife is bigger than my head by a couple inches and is razor sharp, just wondering if I broke even or if it’s something crazy.

by Unwillingpro


  1. HotCheetos998

    Idk anything about that knife but a knife that big in D2 is pretty awesome, I would expect it to be in something like 440c. And it says “hand made” which is a good sign. I don’t think you could find a knife that big in D2 with a leather sheath for $10 anywhere else. In my eyes that’s a nice find

  2. ilikebeer19

    I guess you can compare to the prices on his eBay store and decide if it’s a deal?

  3. 2muchgun

    Pakistani. No telling what steel it really is. Still worth more than you paid though. Go beat it up and have fun

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